In everything we do, we are always moving forward focused on becoming change agents in our community and country.
Change the Game believes that meaningful connections happen through purpose and intention and its methodology is built on creating a team of young adults and adult coaches who purposely spend sustained time together on weekends and school vacations. Through a series of experiential learning activities that include community service, travel, networking and team building, the students begin to build and reinforce their personal foundation of commitment, respect and open communication.
Click on the photos below to read more about our programming.

Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy. Our team completes over 200 hours of community service per person every year.

Our students are provided the opportunity speak to their state and federal representatives. Throughout our program, they learn the importance of being a contributor and understanding that they have the ability to inform and advocate for things that will change the environment around them.

CTG invites professionals from all walks of life to walk the trail with our students, share their story and explain how they got to where they are thus shining a light on intentional choices, hard work and dedication as a foundation for success.

Through travel of over 3000 miles, we are implementing a regular practice of getting outside and experiencing the reality of something and someplace bigger and more powerful than walls. We seek to build an aversion to mediocrity and excuses and a hunger for experiencing greatness and to live each day with enthusiasm!

Uniting people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal builds camaraderie and creates a solid respect for those around us. Only when we respect one another can we put aside perceptions and seek to understand the other's truth.

The future health of our ecosystems can only be assured through the continued diligence of the conservation community backed by broad support from private citizens. CTG students have participated in stewardship initiatives in PA state and local parks, National Forests and National Parks.

CTG encourages reflection after every event. By fostering a sense of ownership to their impact on those around them, reflection increases the likelihood that students will remain committed to service and to continued change beyond our program year.

CTG recognizes the importance of making a real investment in environmental education and outdoor learning and give-back. Through a partnership with PA DCNR and other outdoor programs across the country, our students learn to transfer their knowledge into positive action in the classroom and in their communities.

How best to test what you know? You teach. CTG provides unique opportunities for young adults to share what they know and where they have been to younger students and their peers. These experiences build not only self confidence but forms the foundation for a unique relationship.